


1478 байт добавлено, 12:14, 22 апреля 2016
expect Matcher
Возможные Matcher-ы:
* <code>allOf(Matcher, Matcher...)</code>- Creates a matcher that matches if the examined input matches <b>all</b> of the specified matchers.* <code>anyOf(Matcher, Matcher...)</code>- Creates a matcher that matches if the examined input matches <b>any</b> of the specified matchers.* <code>anyString()</code>- Creates a matcher that matches when at least one character exists in the input buffer.* <code>contains(String)</code>- Creates a matcher of <code>String</code> that matches when examined input contains the given substring.* <code>eof()</code> - Creates a matcher that matches if input reaches the end of stream (closed telnet session).* <code>exact(String)</code>- Creates a matcher that matches when the given string is equal to the input buffer contents.* <code>matches(String)</code>- Creates a matcher of <code>String</code> that matches when examined input <b>fully matches</b> the given regular expression.* <code>matches(Pattern)</code>- Creates a matcher of <code>Pattern</code> that matches when examined input <b>fully matches</b> the given regular expression.* <code>regexp(String)</code>- Creates a matcher of <code>String</code> that matches when examined input <b>contains</b> the given regular expression.* <code>regexp(Pattern)</code>- Creates a matcher of <code>Pattern</code> that matches when examined input <b>contains</b> the given regular expression.* <code>sequence(Matcher, Matcher...)</code>- Matches the given matchers one by one. Every successful matches updates the internal buffer. The consequent match operation is performed after the previous match has succeeded.* <code>startsWith(String)</code>- Creates a matcher that matches when the input buffer starts with the given string.* <code>times(int, Matcher)</code>- Creates a matcher that matches if the given <code>Matcher</code> matches the <code>number</code> of times.